BREYANZI is a prescription medicine used to treat large B cell lymphoma, a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, when:

  • your first treatment has not worked or your cancer returned within a year of your first treatment OR...Read more

Powered to find and fight lymphoma

Breyanzi® is created specifically for you, starting with your own T cells

T cells T cells

T cells

  • Your immune system is made up of many cells that help protect the body from disease, including cancer

  • One key immune cell is the T cell

  • T cells have hooks on the surface (called receptors) that can attach to some cancer cells and help destroy them. Some types of cancer can avoid T cells and keep growing

How Breyanzi is made

CAR plus T cell equals Breyanzi® (lisocabtagene maraleucel) CAR T cell CAR plus T cell equals Breyanzi® (lisocabtagene maraleucel) CAR T cell


The new receptors that are added to the
T cells

T cells

A type of cell in your immune system

Breyanzi CAR T cells

CARs added onto your T cells. These cells are powered to find and fight lymphoma

Breyanzi® (lisocabtagene maraleucel) CAR T cell and lymphoma cell

How Breyanzi works in your body

  • Once the Breyanzi CAR T cells are made, they’ll be put back into your body through an infusion

  • After the infusion, the CAR T cells look for a marker found on certain lymphoma cells, as well as on some healthy cells

  • Breyanzi attaches to the marker on lymphoma cells that allows Breyanzi and your body to find and fight cancer

See Breyanzi treatment outcomes.